Title : Innovative cold plasma technology: A promising tool for pathogen control and improving aquaculture management practices
Cold plasma is an innovative technology that enables the production of oxygen allotropes, such as reactive oxygen species, from fresh air at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.
In the present study, the produced active oxygen allotropes were discharged into shrimp pond water as super oxidizer nano-bubbles. Based on our laboratory analysis, Oxygen allotropes have more oxidizing and biocide ability than normal oxygen and ozone.
Based on the findings of the present study, oxygen allotropes produced by a high-frequency cold plasma device demonstrated the capability to eliminate or reduce the count of Total and Vibrio bacteria, as well as macro organisms such as barnacles, and improve the water quality in shrimp ponds at Shif shrimp farm complex and Persian Gulf SPF shrimp research station.
In recent years, the utilization of innovative cold plasma technology has emerged as a promising approach for enhancing pathogen control and improving aquaculture management practices. This cutting-edge technology offers a non-thermal and environmentally friendly method for pathogen inactivation in aquaculture systems. Cold plasma technology has shown great potential in effectively targeting and eliminating various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites, without leaving harmful residues. By implementing cold plasma technology, aquaculture operations can achieve improved biosecurity measures, reduced disease outbreaks, and enhanced overall productivity. Furthermore, the application of cold plasma technology in aquaculture management practices can lead to more sustainable and efficient production systems. This study highlights the significance of cold plasma technology as a valuable tool in promoting pathogen control and elevating the standards of aquaculture management, ultimately contributing to the advancement of the aquaculture industry towards a more sustainable and biosecure future.