HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of the
World Aquaculture, Fisheries and Seafood Conference

June 09-11, 2025 | Rome, Italy
WAC 2025

Teleconnection impacts of climatic variability on the global fishery: A study towards sustainable fisheries management

Ming An Lee, Speaker at Aquaculture Conferences
National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Title : Teleconnection impacts of climatic variability on the global fishery: A study towards sustainable fisheries management


Climatic variability significantly impact global fisheries by altering oceanographic conditions, potentially affecting fishing yields and species composition, and studying climate change's effects is crucial for understanding marine ecosystems, predicting disruptions, and informing sustainable management strategies. Hence, this study examined the impact of climatic variability on pelagic predators like tunas, marlins, and swordfish, using fishery data from 2005-2016, focusing on nine commercially significant species each from the Indian and South Atlantic oceans. The hypothesis of the study was composed of two parts i.e. different populations of same species in the Indian and South Atlantic Ocean may respond differently to climatic variability, and the impact of teleconnections on fisheries may vary across these two oceans. The first part of the current study involved evaluating the importance of climatic variability on species using generalized additive modelling, while the second part involved analysing the unique effects of species-specific climatic variability using cross-spectral and cross-wavelet analysis. The current study revealed two significant findings: firstly, species in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic Ocean had distinct response to climatic variability (first hypothesis), and secondly, the species in the Indian Ocean displayed a higher level of sensitivity to teleconnection impacts (second hypothesis). The study's findings can help fisheries communities to anticipate and adapt to changes in fish distribution and productivity, enhancing their practices and spatial management, thereby promoting sustainable global fisheries management.


Since 1995, He actively engaged in the field of satellite remote sensing. The researcher utilizes data from many satellite sensors, such as MODIS and Copernicus series sensors, for his research endeavors. He compiled a comprehensive collection of AVHRR, SeaWiFS, Ouikscat, and MODIS data pertaining to the waters around Taiwan. current research focuses on satellite oceanography and the use of multi-sensor satellite data for studying biophysical aspects such as ichthyoplankton, pelagic fishes, and fisheries oceanography including species distribution modeling, climate change impact and sustainable development goal no. 14 on fisheries in.
