Title : The role of latency period on the breeding indices of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)
This study examined the role of latency period on the breeding indices of C. gariepinus using two type of synthetic hormones i.e ovaprim and ovatide. Twelve brood stock were sourced for this experiment from the federal department of fisheries farm, Kaduna, Kaduna State. The experiment was designed to consist six (6) treatment, i.e 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B. Two brood stock consist of male and female were used for each treatment. Group of treatment ‘’1’’ were injected with ovaprim and ovatide at 0.5ml/kg body weight each for eight (8) hrs latency period before stripping. Group of treatment “2” were injected with ovaprim and ovatide at 0.5 ml/kg body weight for ten (10) hrs latency period before stripping. Group ‘3’ were injected with ovaprim and ovatide at o.5ml/kg body weight for twelve (12) hrs latency period before stripping. The injection was intramuscularly above the lateral line and below the anterior end of the dorsal fin. The fish administered ovaprim at 0.5ml/kg body weight at the latency period twelve (12) hrs had highest number of stripped eggs (53,260) also with highest percentage fertilization (83.57%) (P≤0.05). The fertilization took place at each latency period, but highest percentage fertilization was observed at the latency period of twelve (12) hrs with the temperature range of 26ºC - 27ºc.
Keywords: Latency period,Stripping, Fertilization, Percentage fertilization, Hormone