Ph.D. student NDONGO Ivan Studied Biology of Animal Organisms at the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. He Joined the Research group of Prof TOMBI Jeannette at the Department of Animal Biology and Physiology at the same institution in 2015. He received Master degree in Parasitology and Ecology (specialized in Ichtyoparasitology) in 2018 and actually makes his thesis work in monogeneans parasite of some African tetras. The objectives is to improve the farm of African fishes to improve dietary condition of poor people of Cameroon and Africa. She has published 02 articles as first author in SCI (E) journals.
Title : Some biotic and abiotic factors which influence the distribution of monogeneans in the gills of Brycinus kingsleyae günther, 1986 (Osteichtyes-Alestidea) from the Nyong river at Akonolinga (Centre-Cameroon)