Title: Aquaponic Text/workbook
Title: Novel information technologies for fish behavior recognition
Title: Aquaculture challenges and opportunities in city-state Singapore
Title: Increasing importance of blue bonds / sustainable finance in seafood business
Title: Remediation of water pollution by catalytic oxidants over the oceanic transitional areas (OTAS)
Title: Fish sperm cryopreservation as the promising solution to the aquaculture production in the future
Title: Ecosystem Characterization of a Wet-land Pond with Imaging Sonar
Title: How fish color their skin? MC2R a new actor in pigmentation development
Title: Use of medicinal plants as antimicrobials for sustainable aquaculture
Title: The use of marine spatial planning in the management of the blue economy
Title: The Ghost nets in Adriatic Sea and impact in the fishery sector
Title: Rural aquaculture and food security in Morocco (semi-arid zone)
Title: Incongruence between morphological and genetic data of Scomber colias in Tunisian waters
Title: Design and development of universal biomarker for the mini barcode to identify fish species