Title: A situation analysis for washington state’s emergent seaweed aquaculture industry
Title: World heritage oysters – A cultural story from regional Australia
Title: High-resolution physical and biological modelling in the Gulf of Patras, Greece
Title: Assay methodology to determine key herbivores on coral reefs
Title: New qPCR method for identifying decapod hepandensovirus 1 in penaeus vannamei shrimp
Title: Eel (Anguilla marmorata), gene diversity, and new marine and freshwater bodies discoveries
Title: Sequence analysis of nuclear ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 of white Channa argus
Title: Biological implications of carotenoids in aquatic organisms
Title: Stopping of NOx, NP elimination is easiest method to stop global warming
Title: Earlier induction of metamorphosis in Japanese eel leptocephali stimulated by thyroid hormone
Title: State of arts vegetation roughness in rivers and flood plains
Title: A close analysis of the major cause of the loss of fish fauna and diversity in lake Malawi
Title: Biotechnology in aquaculture: A crustacean oocytes delivery tool for large-scale gene silencing