Title: Cultivating young minds for sustainable aquaculture careers: the impact of a five-shelf tower garden
Title: Revolutionizing aquaculture: Sustainable shrimp farming through technology and collaboration
Title: How can environmental DNA transform Indian fisheries management?
Title: The internal defence system in actinia equina (Linnaeus, 1758): The role of mucus and goblet cells
Title: Spiny Lobster aquaculture – from aspiration to production
Title: Real time detection of free-swimming sea lice with high resolution optical sensor
Title: Bioactive compounds in plants: Can replace antibiotics in aquaculture?
Title: Strengthening oyster aquaculture in the Philippines through the bamboo raft technology
Title: Interactions of carotenoids with different nutrients in aquatic oranisms
Title: Ornamental fish culture and aquarium keeping – A small scale livelihood option in India
Title: Sustainable, efficient alternatives to pond culture technology for finfish