HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of the
World Aquaculture, Fisheries and Seafood Conference

June 09-11, 2025 | Rome, Italy
WAC 2024

Maggot meal (Musca domestica), an alternative to fish meal in small and medium-sized fish farms in Burkina Faso

Inoussa Compaore, Speaker at Fisheries Conference
Université Nazi BONI, Burkina Faso
Title : Maggot meal (Musca domestica), an alternative to fish meal in small and medium-sized fish farms in Burkina Faso


The availability in quantity and quality of animal protein sources of local origin is a concern of stakeholders in the aquaculture sector in Burkina Faso. This study consisted of finding the optimal conditions for intensive production of maggots in fish farms. It was conducted at the Lassalien Center for Introduction to Agricultural Professions in Bérégadougou from December to June 2022. The maggot production device contained 3 metal frames each topped with 4 strainers. To determine the effect of the attractants, we had 4 treatments distributed in each strainer, T0 (raw substrate), T1 (Substrate + Soumbala), T2 (Substrate + Animal blood) and T3 (Substrate + Fish viscera). To test the effect of temperature on maggot production, frame 1 was placed in the sun all day, frame 2 was placed for 6 hours in the sun and 6 hours in the shade and frame 3 was placed permanently in the shade for 4 days. As for the effect of humidity on maggot production, 4 treatments were also created. T0 was not watered, T1 received 2 liters of water on the first day, T2 received 2 liters for 2 days and T3 received 2 liters of water for 3 days. The results showed that with a temperature of 27.9 to 31.14 ºC there was a high production of maggots (1541g/m2) unlike a temperature of 30.07 to 33.37 ºC (402.25g/m2). The variation in the humidity level of the substrate made it possible to increase the production of maggots (1227g/m2 at frame n°2). Tests have shown that the best substrate is fish viscera (1541g/m2 for frame n°3).

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The public will be able to use the method used in this study for the intensive production of maggots
  • This work will help fish farmers reduce fish production costs
  • Other professors can use the method to expand their research or teaching
  • The results of this study constitute a practical solution to the high cost of fish meal
  • It can be a source of job creation and income


Inoussa Compaore studied at the Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso, now Nazi BONI University, and I obtained a degree in rural development engineering with an option: Water and Forests in 2008. I continued my Master's studies of research in genetics and plant biotechnology at the University of Ouagadougou in 2010. The same year, I continued my doctoral studies at Nazi BONI University where I defended my unique doctoral thesis in rural development in 2018 (specialty: fish production). Seconded to this university, I continued my career as a teacher-researcher. Today I am a lecturer in fisheries sciences with a total of around twenty research articles.
