Dr. Subhas Das is a fisheries professional and working in the Department of Fisheries, Government of West Bengal since last almost seventeen years. He has acquired Bachelor of Fishery Science (B.F.Sc.) from the West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, West Bengal, India; M.Sc. in Environmental Science from Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, and Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Burdwan, West Bengal. Presently he is a registered candidate of Doctor of Science under the Department of Environmental Science, the University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India. His field of specialization under the broad subject area is Fisheries, Aquaculture, Environment and Ecology, while his major research interest under the thrust area is fish nutrition, fish immunology, eco-toxicology, biochemistry, histology, histochemistry, scanning-electron microscopy, immune-histochemistry, enzyme-histochemistry, haematology, metagenomics, amino acid profiling.
Title : Choline-exposed Indian major carps and air-breathing fishes reflect successful maturation of gonads reared in a semi-intensive pisciculture system: A histotechnological and ultrastructural introspection
Title : Histotechnological technique for prediction of digestibility and liver function under choline chloride exposure: A role model on fish