HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of the
World Aquaculture, Fisheries and Seafood Conference

June 09-11, 2025 | Rome, Italy
WAC 2022

Hydropower Plant Development, Forest Recompensing and Water Governance in Central Highlands of Viet Nam

Tran Huu Nghi, Speaker at Aquaculture Conferences
The Centre for Tropical Forest Research Vietnam, Vietnam
Title : Hydropower Plant Development, Forest Recompensing and Water Governance in Central Highlands of Viet Nam


By 2016 about 98% of households in rural area of Viet Nam were electrified. The total of power system production of the country reached 159.45 billion kWh in 2016, of which contribution from hydropower plants occupy more than 30%. So far, Viet Nam planned to convert about 50,000 ha of forestland to hydropower plant construction. But in reality, the recompensing forest plantation after dam construction has not been successfully implemented due to lack of participation from local communities and inaccurate planning process.  

Central Highlands is one of largest natural forest area left in the country. But deforestation has taken place seriously lead to degradation of forest, biodiversity lost, soil erosion and severe drought in last two decades. The total of recompensing forest plantation in Central Highlands is about 20,000ha (including hydropower plant and other purposes). But by 2016 only 5000ha forest planted equivalent to 20% of total area has to be planted. The implementation process reflected low level of participation from stakeholders, especially local people from planning to monitoring and evaluation of the project. The interaction from policy level, local authorities, civil society, and communities are very weak in this region.

This paper analyzed related forest and watershed management policies and their implementation on the ground. It also assessed the roles of civil society in water governance in Central Highlands. The policy recommendations to contribute to improvement of natural resources governance in the country are derived from this analysis as well as multi-stakeholder dialogues.   


Tran Huu NGHI Msc. Tropical Forest Management, Goettingen University, Germnay. More than 25 years of working in the forestry sector in Viet Nam. Most of the time, he worked for international development programs/projects in the field of natural resource management and local governance in Mekong region, such as GIZ, MRC, and Tropenbos International.
