HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of the
World Aquaculture, Fisheries and Seafood Conference

June 09-11, 2025 | Rome, Italy
WAC 2021

An acoustic technique for the evaluation of fish behavior in aquaculture pond

Wen Miin Tian, Speaker at Aquaculture Conferences
National Sun Yet-sen University, Taiwan
Title : An acoustic technique for the evaluation of fish behavior in aquaculture pond


Information regarding abundance, growth status and behavior of fish in aquaculture ponds is needed for farmers in conducting proper management practices. Developing proper and reliable methodologies for determining inventory, length distribution, movement behavior and distribution pattern for these mobile objects involves four observational challenges, i.e., detectability, spatial coverage, temporal repetition rate and temporal coverage. An acoustic surveying system, with horizontally orientated and mechanically rotated beams, (i.e., mechanically scanned imaging sonar) under bottom-fixed deployment configuration was adopted to mapping and quantifying the occurrence, status and distribution of fish in aquaculture pond. The current investigation was conducted on a concrete pool of 8 x 6 x1.7m in dimensions where 18 giant groupers (Epinephelus tukula) with current length of about 100cm were stocked for over 10 years. Multiple acoustic image frames collected at this pool, with three consecutive scanning range settings (i.e., 5, 7.5 and 10m), were processed and analyzed. Through visual observation and image intensity threshold procedure for the detection, identification, enumeration and measurement, spatial-temporal information regarding fish objects in this pool were derived, which include position of occurrence, orientation and acoustic trace length. Abundance (17 groupers), averaged length (96.9 cm), swimming speed (30 cm/sec RMS) as well as distribution pattern and movement characteristics of the groupers in this pool at the specific surveying time (lasted for 60 minutes) were derived and quantified thereafter. During this investigation, most of the groupers were distributed at the second and further half of the pool relative to the sonar deployment site and circling around the pool edge with two prominent meeting points. It should be emphasized that these giant groupers were able to detect the existence of the acoustic pulses from the sonar system and tried to avoid them actively. It is, therefore, concluded that the integrating of the proposed acoustic apparatus, deployment configuration and image processing procedures for the acquisition of spatial-temporal characteristics of fish species represents a potential candidate for the resolving of inventory and related problems in aquaculture for both fish as well as shrimp.


Dr. Wen-Miin Tian has his expertise in marine geotechnical engineering and underwater acoustic surveying on both stationary objects (e.g., artificial habitat) and mobile objects (e.g., fish and shrimp). For the last ten years, he has dedicated in integrating acoustic instruments, incorporating proper deployment capabilities and developing practical processing procedures for the acquisition of spatial-temporal characteristics of fish species as well as quantifying and describing the spatial ecology (processes that affect species distribution and dynamics) of fish and their habitat.
