Aquatic pathogen detection is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of aquatic organisms in aquaculture. Pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, can quickly spread within dense farming systems, leading to devastating outbreaks. Modern detection methods, such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), DNA sequencing, and immunoassays, allow for the early identification of these pathogens, ensuring swift intervention. By using these technologies, aquaculture operations can minimize the risk of disease transmission and implement effective control measures. Early detection not only protects aquatic organisms but also prevents significant economic losses and minimizes the use of antibiotics. Implementing regular monitoring and surveillance programs in aquaculture systems can safeguard fish health, increase production efficiency, and ensure sustainable practices in the industry.
Title : The horizontal integration of a Shellfish farm in a broader business model
Perry Raso, Matunuck Oyster Farm, United States
Title : Role of artificial intelligence and remote sensing in remediation of aquatic pollution and development of Numerical Oceanic Climate Prediction Models (NOCPM)
Virendra Goswami, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India
Title : Aquaculture education challenges: Integrating sustainable practices into schools
J L Giovanna Hesley, CropKing, Inc. Curriculum Development, United States
Title : Can we farm eelgrass as a high protein sustainable marine grain for aquaculture?
Timothy C Visel, Retired Aquaculture Educator, United States
Title : Impact of antibiotic application on microbiome present in Catfish gut and water
Luxin Wang, University of California Davis, United States
Title : Smart sensors and real-time monitoring: Revolutionizing aquatic pollution management
Vidya Padmakumar, EcoDiversity Lab, Canada