Freshwater Fisheries play a pivotal role in sustaining global ecosystems, providing vital resources for human populations, and contributing significantly to the socio-economic fabric of communities worldwide. Spread across diverse landscapes, from pristine mountain streams to expansive river deltas, freshwater fisheries encompass a rich tapestry of aquatic habitats. These ecosystems support an astonishing array of fish species, each adapted to its unique environment. In these freshwater realms, biodiversity flourishes, encompassing not only finned inhabitants but also an intricate web of interconnected flora and fauna. Human reliance on freshwater fisheries is profound, as these aquatic environments serve as the primary source of sustenance for millions of people, supplying essential proteins and vital nutrients. Beyond their nutritional significance, freshwater fisheries are crucial economic engines, fostering employment opportunities and sustaining traditional fishing communities. The management of these fisheries demands a delicate balance between conservation and exploitation, with sustainable practices being paramount to ensuring the longevity of aquatic ecosystems. Innovations in aquaculture and stock enhancement further complement traditional fishing methods, addressing the increasing global demand for fish products. However, this dynamic equilibrium faces multifaceted challenges, including overfishing, habitat degradation, pollution, and climate change impacts, which threaten the delicate harmony of freshwater ecosystems. Conservation efforts strive to mitigate these threats, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural habitats, implementing responsible fishing practices, and fostering community engagement. As custodians of these aquatic realms, society bears the responsibility of safeguarding freshwater fisheries, recognizing their ecological, economic, and cultural significance. In a world where the future of these ecosystems is intricately intertwined with human actions, the sustainable management and conservation of freshwater fisheries stand as imperatives for ensuring the well-being of both aquatic environments and the communities dependent on them.
Title : The horizontal integration of a Shellfish farm in a broader business model
Perry Raso, Matunuck Oyster Farm, United States
Title : Role of artificial intelligence and remote sensing in remediation of aquatic pollution and development of Numerical Oceanic Climate Prediction Models (NOCPM)
Virendra Goswami, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), India
Title : Aquaculture education challenges: Integrating sustainable practices into schools
J L Giovanna Hesley, CropKing, Inc. Curriculum Development, United States
Title : Can we farm eelgrass as a high protein sustainable marine grain for aquaculture?
Timothy C Visel, Retired Aquaculture Educator, United States
Title : Impact of antibiotic application on microbiome present in Catfish gut and water
Luxin Wang, University of California Davis, United States
Title : Smart sensors and real-time monitoring: Revolutionizing aquatic pollution management
Vidya Padmakumar, EcoDiversity Lab, Canada